Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The only poem I've ever had published...

So this is a poem I wrote my freshmen year - my first, and perhaps only, REAL piece of poetry. I revisit it every year, change a word or punctuation, rethink the phrasing, etc, etc. Here is the latest version, though I may still tweak it a little before I put it away for next year.


What if Romeo and Juliet hadn’t died?
Hadn’t hidden behind their love-sick pride?
If their families had never had reason to fight?
If they hadn’t each found love one fateful night?

Will I tell what would happen? Why, yes!
They would give new meaning to marital stress!
Their families wouldn’t be brought together by grief -
They’d often wish for death, and its sweet release.

They’d fall out of love as quick as they fell in.
After a while, Juliet would find a better companion.
Romeo would be mad with rage, and like Tybalt, run him through -
Only to have something to do, as he found a friend too.

Juliet would unleash her rage, and hell’s fury turned loose,
Romeo off to the bar; Juliet tying a noose.
Romeo would come home, drunk and stumbling -
Juliet watching him, the rage in her eyes most humbling.

The next morning, a frightful wail would arise,
Capulets and Montagues sharing in a gruesome surprise.
The feuding Romeo and Juliet, now colder than stone -
Juliet tried to end Romeo, and each into death by the other was thrown.

They would have died together, in hate and hot blood,
Juliet’s murderous plan ending with a lifeless thud,
But instead they died together with love, and with tears -
Would that price have been worth those few extra years?


My first Day...or rather, 15 hours....without Facebook.

So, yeah, today was day 1 of my 7 day Hiatus of Facebook. And it went pretty smoothly, until I got off work. I came home, plugged in, and hit my myspace quick launch button. Why? Because it is where my Facebook quick launch button used to be. So yes, Facebook is firmly imbedded in my daily routine.

So, to keep my mind off of where my browser really wanted to be, I played with my dog. Then I cooked dinner. Then I went to a friends house and watched Family Guy, then Jeff Dunham, and then House. And somewhere in there, we played Wii bowling and fed the fish in the pond at my weekend job.

All of these things are decent and moderately enjoyable, but I feel I am simply re-inventing the wheel. I'm doing this to re-claim my life - to be more productive and less sedentary. So even though I didn't log onto Facebook today (though I did stare at the log in page for several minutes, testing my will-power to the max) I still think today was a semi-failure of this experiment. Entertaining, more active in the world around me, but still, not quite where I want to be. But with these things in mind, I head for bed, and mentally prepare for day 2.

Bring it on.


Monday, July 6, 2009

I love Billy Joel. And Paul Newman. And Peter Lorre.

My name is spelt O-L-D S-O-U-L. Just so you know.

This semester went by in a true flash, and the class I miss the most is a surprise, even to me. It isn't painting. It isn't Drawing II. It isn't History II. It's Film Appreciation. I miss watching things like The Maltese Falcon and Arsenic and Old Lace and Casablanca, and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. I really miss those movies, and I think I'll probably be making an effort to own each and every one of them in the near future. But until then, here are some clips, courtesy of YouTube, for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy.

From Casablanca

A Tribute to Peter Lorre

Funniest Scene of Arsenic and Old Lace - The first minute is my favorite in the whole movie!

The Last Scene of Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid - it gave meaning to the phrase 'going out in a blaze of glory!'

That's all I've got for now. I hope you enjoy these clips, and that they inspire you to give some of the classic movies a try.

With love,


Tips for Life, 1 Week Facebook Hiatus, and Top Headlines of the Week

Hello all!

First, something I jotted down as I was considering the unfufilled and unhappy life of a few people around me -

Prepare to be wrong – no one is or can be right all of the time.
Invite love and friendship into your life – how fulfilled can a life lived alone really be?
Be honest, always – lies grow and spread, and are more infectious than any cancer.
Laugh as often as possible – it’s the spice of life, and everything can be made better for it.
Live every day to the fullest – we have lost yesterday, and are not promised tomorrow.
Pursue happiness – a life pursuing nothing but money, power, and privilege is hardly a life at all.
Give - A dollar, a smile, a blanket, a sandwich. Give whatever you can, because the person in need may someday be you.

I try to live by these ideas,and my life is more fulfilled and purposeful for it.


Facebook. What a gargantuan time-sucking void I have been pulled into. Honesty boxes, Farm town, instant chat, flair, etc, etc, have all conspired against me to leave me pathetically checking my page a dozen times a day, and for what? What purpose really lies in have a digital farm? A few witty flair? A half-assed conversation with someone who could very easily call? A few silly quizes who's answers have no affect on your life? What is it all for? How mych of my life am I wasting with it?

With all these questions, I have decided to take a step back. For 1 full week, I will not access my Facebook page - I will live by phone and e-mail for digital contact. If it goes well, the next thing I phase out will be my Myspace page, which I use only to contact my cousin and play Bloodlines. My eventual goal is to phase out all unneeded internet usage, except for e-mails, basic facebook use to contact friends and family easily, and research for school. No more myspace, no more dating sites, no more online gaming. I can't let the internet suck my life away, do this 1 week hiatus is my first blow against it. I will start tomorrow, and will be documenting how it goes, to help others that may be inspired to do the same.


Top headlines of this week:

First and foremost, the monorail crash at Disney world! The kid that died was my age and a university intern. And guess what? I applied for that job. I feel so badly for that guys family, and in the same breath, I am so happy I didn't pursue getting that internship further.

Another story that shows the lows to which American Society has come to - A trial is about start because of a Texas 'Fight Club,' where the caretakers of the disabled and developmentally challenged forced them to fight each other. This is completely disgusting, and I hope those responsible are punished to the fullest extent of the law!

This is just cool - Obama promised it, and here it is - the 'Craigslist' for Volunteering - this is a website that lists volunteering opportunities around the country - gotta love it! And you better bet, when Color Texarkana comes around next year, I'm totally gonna use this!

Whelp, that's all I've got for now, but I've been writing something out - I'll prolly post it later. Have a good one!
