Tuesday, July 7, 2009

My first Day...or rather, 15 hours....without Facebook.

So, yeah, today was day 1 of my 7 day Hiatus of Facebook. And it went pretty smoothly, until I got off work. I came home, plugged in, and hit my myspace quick launch button. Why? Because it is where my Facebook quick launch button used to be. So yes, Facebook is firmly imbedded in my daily routine.

So, to keep my mind off of where my browser really wanted to be, I played with my dog. Then I cooked dinner. Then I went to a friends house and watched Family Guy, then Jeff Dunham, and then House. And somewhere in there, we played Wii bowling and fed the fish in the pond at my weekend job.

All of these things are decent and moderately enjoyable, but I feel I am simply re-inventing the wheel. I'm doing this to re-claim my life - to be more productive and less sedentary. So even though I didn't log onto Facebook today (though I did stare at the log in page for several minutes, testing my will-power to the max) I still think today was a semi-failure of this experiment. Entertaining, more active in the world around me, but still, not quite where I want to be. But with these things in mind, I head for bed, and mentally prepare for day 2.

Bring it on.


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