Monday, August 10, 2009

Okay, its official - I completely suck at Blogging, but no one reads it anyways, so its all good!

I have come to the conclusion that I am simply not interesting enough to be a blogger. I raise tropical fish and paint with flowers. Not average, but not so out of the ordinary, either. Even if I posted every day, I know that the number of people reading this is minimal at best, and that can be a big deterrent from taking the time out of your day to post something relevant and interesting. I may keep trying, but once school starts back, I doubt I'll keep it up. But since school has yet to start, here are some music videos that I think you might enjoy. :-)

This video is eerily similar to one I put together for my Advanced Photography Final, with the same song and same theme, I think the people that put it together are probably pretty similar to myself.

I just really love this song - it could be really sad, but depending on how you take it, it can be really beautiful, too.

This song is a sad summary of American culture, and where it's going. Pay attention to the lyrics - further affirmation of how unhappy people can be under their seeming happy & materialistic lives. Watch it here.

And an old favorite, but really powerful - I love the sound. This video has the best sound - all the ones of her actually singing just don't cut it.

That's all I've got today - maybe more later.

Until next time (if there is one)

Socially Inept

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