Monday, June 22, 2009

Sitting In Books-A-Million and other Randomness

It's loud. Even with ear-buds and good music, it's loud in here. Coffee shops and/or book stores are not what they once were. At some point in recent history, the Bookstore was something akin to a library - soft conversations, the whispers of turning pages, the random and barely audible cough or sniffle. Now, however, these places are the home of annoying ring-tones, overly-loud conversation, raucous laughter, gabby baristas, dizzily fast typing, and a million (haha) other little things that combine to make a symphony of head-ache inducing noises. Oh, and did I forget the blender? The commercially sized, 6 gallon blender who's motor can apparently rival that of a Jumbo Jet taking off? I mean, wow. Not that it's all bad. It beats the hell out of my home - where the TV is always on Reality TV (aka moronic dribble) and never under a decibel level also rivaling and Jumbo Jet taking off, and where the cigarette smoke never fails to give me vicious head-aches and uncontrollable sneezing to boot. Any public place, whether it be bar, coffee shop, library, over-crowded bus station, traffic jam, etc, etc, is better than that. Trust me.

I know I mentioned good music during some part of that lovely rant, so let me expound on that - I am a Pandora fan. As is It is an awesome website, powered by the 'Music Genome Project.' You start a 'station' based on a song, group, or type of music that you like, and as it plays songs, you give that song a thumbs up or thumbs down. It adds song similar to those you like, and eliminates songs similar to songs you don't like. The longer you listen to the station, the more it narrows down exactly what you want to hear. And let me tell you, it hits the nail on the head every time! Through a station based on 'I'm Yours' by Jason Mraz, Pandora introduced me to Jack Johnson, Tyrone Wells, Eric Hutchinson, Eagle Eye Cherry, and many other artists I was not aware of and am now a big fan of. It's free, it's streaming, and it's commercial free. What have you got to lose? Go check it out!

That's it for today. Back to my over-priced coffee and relentless picture editing.

Peace and Love,



Adam said...

Wait, what a book store is supposed to be quiet? The only one I've found to be halfway quiet is the monster 2 story books a million in tulsa.
By the way thanks for the recomendation to the music site, it's great. Picked my favorite group and the first song to play was from another favorite group that I would have never related to the first.

SociallyInept07 said...

Yeah, well, this one is okay on Monday nights, so that's usually when I go. This time, I made the mistake of going to early in the day. You're welcome - proceed to drive Sarah crazy with it! lol
