Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Behavioral Problems on a Silver Platter, Anyone?

Today was the first day of kid’s art classes at work, which will be going on for 6 out of the 10 days these 2 weeks. Today was pretty decent, especially the first class, 6-9 yr olds. They were a lot of fun, very active and energetic, and really into the art. The only 2 I had any problems with was one child who talked constantly, and loudly – especially if I was giving any attention to any other student. The other was a petulant little girl that had her head down half the time, didn’t want to work, didn’t care about it, really. After snack time, she livened up, got involved, and got chatty. We were joking about something, and when I turned away to answer a question, she slapped me on the upper arm, hard. Mind you, this is a seven or eight year old, and I believe that hitting is NEVER okay. So I quickly told her that hitting was not acceptable. She just smiled at me, like it was a joke. After that, we proceeded to have a pretty good time, finishing class. That is, until it was pick-up time. The parents startin rollin in, and the kids start rollin out. This little girl’s mom asked me how it went, and I told her okay, but that I had to get onto her child for striking me. And she said, and I QUOTE:

“And that’s a problem?” With attitude galore. I was completely astounded, to say the least. I stared at her, jaw agape I’m sure, and tried to figure out what to say. Finally, I stuttered:

“Ummm…yes, it is a problem. That isn’t allowed.”

She answered: “We love-tap at home all the time.” With even more attitude.

I composed the most adult answer I could, took a breath, and told her “Well, this is not your home, this is a classroom, and that is not appropriate behavior.”

She left in a huff, and I was left dumbfounded. How can anyone be THAT ignorant? We wonder why mental and behavioral problems in our youth have become a rampant plague, but here you go - The cause of the problem: super-shitty parenting. A LOT of people have no idea how to raise children – pregnancies aren’t planned, parents don’t prepare themselves. It’s just like ‘Oops, I’m pregnant. Lets get a bigger TV, and we’re good to go.”

What. The. Fuck.

I have already decided, ten years in advance: I will home-school my children. You want to know why? Because children raised by bad parents can seriously corrupt children raised by good parents. And since you can’t hand-pick what kids will be in class with yours, I’m seriously scared to send my future kids into the public school system. I know I’ll never be able to afford or want to send them to a stuffy private school, so I opt for home-schooling. With lots of group activities to develop social skills of course. However, no cable TV will be in our home, and no non-learning or fitness based gaming systems. I refused to corrupt my children’s minds, or mine, with all the media and entertainment (if you can call it that) garbage, I feel really bad for this little girl with the insane mother. This is the kind of woman who’s child gets sent home with a note from the teacher, and who calls the teacher bitching instead of disciplining their child for poor behavior. Parents like these are sending our country to the shit-heap at warp speed. Almost makes you want to move to Europe, take up a new career and primary language, and forget all about this place. But roots run deep, so I guess I’ll keep doing my part to improve my society, and hope for the best while I’m at it.

Until next time avid readers (ha!),


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